The following organizations and individuals seek to foster personal and cultural integrity through the integration of scientific insights and spiritual wisdom:
The Galileo Commission: Expanding the Scope of Science

"The world today is dominated by science and by its underlying assumptions, which are seldom explicitly articulated. The Galileo Commission’s remit is to open public discourse and to find ways to expand science so that it can accommodate and explore important human experiences and questions that science, in its present form, is unable to integrate."

A TRILOGY: Mysteries of Reality, Healing, and Knowledge Beyond Our Senses--Three books by Gayle Kimball, Ph.D.
Sample chapters at
What is reality? Is there more than what we know from our five senses? Visionary scientists believe there is more and are formulating a non-materialist paradigm that they believe expands human potential. Going against the dominant worldview evokes ridicule, as in “Why study flying pigs?” The book therefore explores the personal backgrounds of the scientists to find out why they are so courageous. We learn that there is another dimension that allows for paranormal abilities. The video trailer:
"This informative trilogy offers a treasure trove of personal reflections and insights from many of the leading figures in the modern scientific awakening to deeper understanding of consciousness, the brain-mind connection, and the ultimate healing force of our free will."--Eban Alexander, author of Proof of Heaven
Sample chapters at
What is reality? Is there more than what we know from our five senses? Visionary scientists believe there is more and are formulating a non-materialist paradigm that they believe expands human potential. Going against the dominant worldview evokes ridicule, as in “Why study flying pigs?” The book therefore explores the personal backgrounds of the scientists to find out why they are so courageous. We learn that there is another dimension that allows for paranormal abilities. The video trailer:
"This informative trilogy offers a treasure trove of personal reflections and insights from many of the leading figures in the modern scientific awakening to deeper understanding of consciousness, the brain-mind connection, and the ultimate healing force of our free will."--Eban Alexander, author of Proof of Heaven
Musical Scalpel--"a chance to cut is a chance to heal"--is the labor of love of my good friend, Doug Hendren, a retired orthopedic surgeon and master guitarist come singer-songwriter. Here you will find dozens of Doug's songs, of every genre, all raising consciousness about our most pressing social issues.
Science and Non-Duality (SAND) aspires to heal the schism between science and spirituality while defining a new understanding of what it means to be human, inspired by the mystics and grounded in modern science.
Breathing Forgiveness: Embracing the Giant Wound in the Naked Now. It is difficult to encapsulate this marvelous site--the labor of love of Spanish priest Yago Abeledo--in a few words. However, here are the first two quotes you'll encounter upon entering:
"Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light, but making the darkness conscious."--Carl Jung
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We live in a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."--Albert Einstein
"Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light, but making the darkness conscious."--Carl Jung
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We live in a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."--Albert Einstein
The Center for Education, Imagination and the Natural World. "There is a different way of knowing. The Center for Education, Imagination and the Natural World is about this other mode of concsiousness. What you are doing at the Center is fundamental and deeply important at this time in history. The children of the 21st century will determine the fate of this planet. The 20th century was a century of death and destruction. The 21st must be a century of life."--Thomas Berry
Metanexus, Inc.: Promoting high-level science-religion discourse, Metanexus seeks to "tell the whole story of the whole cosmos for the whole person."
"The Clergy Letter Project is an endeavor designed to demonstrate that religion and science can be compatible and to elevate the quality of the debate of this issue." Since the CLP was founded in 2004, 12,800 members of the mainstream American clergy have signed a letter that proclaims "that the timeless truths of the Bible and the discoveries of modern science may comfortably coexist."
Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences: "Promoting the creative mutual interaction between contemporary theology and the natural sciences."
Evolutionary Christianity: "Conversations at the leading edge of faith."